Boys will be boys. Pat, Ian and Adrian spent most of their afternoons "scurfing" around the harbor on Pat's board behind the dingy belonging to "Locheil", a 106 ' Bill Gardner design ketch. They couldn't get me on that thing for all the money in the world.
Party Party Party. Noas, the 104' sloop that Pat is crewing on threw an impromptu costume party at 1 of the anchorages one evening. Everybody used their imagination as you can see. The captain and host is the guy with the pink protrusion between his legs-he's really a responsible, great guy... honest. Needless to say a very good time was had by all and no one moved too early the next a matter of fact, nobody moved the next day! There are a couple on interior shots to show you the scale inside this yacht. Poor Pat, he gets all the shitty assignments! In 1 photo you can catch him leering at a fellow crewmember, Miss Coconuts! The tall beauty in some of the shots with Linda and me is our new friend, Rebecca from Sydney Australia. She was sat at our table 1 night in a restaurant as there was no other seat available. We got along so well that we invited her to sail with us for a weekend She is a charming young woman who had come to Tonga to swim with the whales-she did this for 11 straight days. She has aspirations to become a marine biologist 1 day. We are sure she will achieve that with no problem.
Pat's got a new ride now that he is crewing for a month on Noas, a beautiful 104' sloop bound for Fiji, Vanuatu and on to New Zealand. He'll rejoin us in Fiji for our trip to New Zealand at the end of October. The dancers and long table of food were at a feast we went to to experience a true Tongan celebration. The school kids were great singers and dancers and there was more than enough delicious food(fingers only-no utensils) to feed an army.

The images of marching bands, people waiting, walking etc were part of the crowds that were present for the coronation ceremonies for the new King, George Toupou 5. He showed up at about 5 % of the events held in his honour, never acknowledged anybody or anything done on his behalf. We never saw him and most Tongans never saw him. He is not appreciated as was his father, the King before him. Some say he is not long for the throne. We enjoyed the parade, the music, the festivities and the ambiance despite not seeing "His Highass"!
These images are of a sea level cave that we entered in Mark's(the guy at the wheel looking like he's going 100 MPH) tender(dingy). You can go in about 100 ft and it has an opening to the sky once you are inside. You can also snorkel into it. Quite interesting. Mark is one of the boaters we have known since Mexico. He crossed the Pacific alone in his 57 Nordhaven trawler-quite a feat.

This is Adrian "Knievel" launching himself off of his parents 106 ft sailboat by way of swinging off the bow with a surfboard attached to his feet and having a ski boat take off to keep his momentum. It took him 3 tries. Go Adrian-to the hospital to have your head examined!!!
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