Loeto and the mission bell tower
1 of the most beautiful Inns we have ever stayed in. Thank you, Valda
Don Pedro at Peurto Escondido. Photo courtesy of Rob.
The Lindblad Explorations/National Geo. pocket cruise ship and our dinner hosts for a fabulous unexpected feast on the beach. Complete with silver dinner ware, bar wenches et all. A magical night to say the least.
Hello again from a very cold hotel room in Loreto. Yup, cold!! Well, 68 F but it feels like 50 with the 20 MPH wind. Linda and I are taking a 2 day break off the boat and Kristy flies in tomorrow from Vancouver for a 2 week visit. After talking to other cruisers, we had to keep going North to the Bahia de Conception, a sea within a sea with many beautiful anchorages and beaches about 60 miles N of Loreto. The first night we dropped the hook in a protected bay called San Juanico. The wind was howling so we decided to stay another day. Low and behold, a Lindblad Explorations/National Geographic pocket cruise ship came into OUR anchorage. Their policy is to apologise for interrupting our solitude(are you kidding, Pat and Robbie were already speculating about the female crew members) and invite us all to dinner..which they did. Within 5 ft of our hitting the beach in our tender, 2 gorgeous female crew members met us with trays full of cocktails and warm genuine welcoming words. Dinner(elegantly prepared and served on the beach..silver heating trays, seats etc.) was seared Ahi Tuna stakes and exotically Bar B Q'd chicken breasts with all the accoutrement's(is the really such a word?, who cares about the spelling!). After dessert there was astronomy 101 on the beach with the astronomer who accompanies the cruise, a bonfire, whole made SMORS and songs..no Michael row the boat ashore or Kumbaya..more like La Bamba etc. What a treat and thrill for us all!!
On to Conception Bay and beaches like Santispac, Playa Cocos, Playa Coyote etc. all lovely sandy beaches with clear blue/green water BUT CCCOOOLLLDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was OK when the sun was out but when it dropped, it got cold fast. Nevertheless, we met some great people who spend the winter there in their RV's. They had us over for appetizers and drinks and we had them on board Don Pedro for the same. There was a dance Sat, night at a local rest./bar called Ana's with great music and a bunch of loaded Gringos. We all danced, ate and drank until the place closed at 10 PM, yeh, 10 PM..Baha Midnight. It started at 5 so it was all right. A great time was had by all except Robbie(sorry, he has changed his name to Rob) who slashed his foot on some sharp object in the water. Some people will do anything to get out of dancing!!
Meeting George, Martha, Butch, Diana, Harold and Judy was the highlight. What a great bunch of people. Most of them had never been on a sailboat before so it was a treat for them. Our last night they invited us to a feast with things we hadn't had in a long time, 6 different appetizers, Pork Roast with apple sauce, Beef Roast, 2 salads, 4-5 different veggies, 2 home made pies and a FEW cocktails. Thank you all again, very, very much.
That day a unanimous decision was made, head SOUTH..NOW.It's too F_____n cold. So, after a night in San Juanico(hoping that our friends on the cruise ship would reappear) we are back in Loreto. After Kristy sees a bit of Loreto we are again heading south in search of warmer weather. Until then, we all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our thoughts are with you. We may be on the trip of our lives but we do miss you all and wish that we could jet home to be with you during this time. John, Linda, Pat and Rob..and the Red Bastard
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