G'day !
Sorry for the silence. Usually I am inspired to create a new posting by the beauty of the places we visit. This part of Australia(S. Queensland) doesn't possess that quality. Its a flat dry landscape with a few hills that they call mountains. Sugarcane fields everywhere. What is exceptional here are the people. Open and friendly doesn't come close to describing them. They go out of their way to welcome and help you and are as genuine as you can imagine. Good on ya!
We have been spending the last 2 months here slowly winding our way down the Sunshine coast to Scarborough, just N of Brisbane. Looking after the Don has been a priority with seeing some of the sites, visiting vibrant Brisbane with just living taking up the rest of our time. We bought a "beater" for $2,000. that we'll resell just before we push on in April and it manages very well to get us around in relative comfort. Our plans are to head S in mid Jan. to Sydney and Melbourne for about 3-4 weeks visiting the Blue Mountains and checking out Australia's wine growing areas. We feel this is an obligation we owe to all of you so we can help guide you when it comes to buying Aussie wines. Meanwhile, we are here, prepping for Christmas in 30+ deg heat-we even have a small tree with lights and rope lights strung along Don Pedro's lifelines.
Here's a brief description of some of the photos. Dave, our crew member from New Caledonia to OZ is pictured with his prize catch-he also caught the sea snake you see! There are many islands off of this coast and 1 of them has a man made reef of old wrecks, sunk to make a breakwater. We were anchored off of them during 1 of the numerous thunder/lightning/rain squalls that sweep over this area in the heat of the afternoons. There are some Tolkien looking trees and Linda on a boardwalk in Mary Caincross National Park-a beautiful 2 hr. stroll through a rain forest with giant eucalyptus, strangler figs and even small Wallabees(kangaroos). The brilliant red tree is a Flamboyant-they are everywhere. There are some shots of Brisbane as seen from 1 of the Rivercats(a ferry system plying the Brisbane river right through the heart of downtown). For $5. you can buy a ticket that allows you to travel all the ferries(fast river cats, small cross river boats) and all the buses in Brisbane for 24 hrs. The last 2 are of a typical pre storm cloud heralding a fresh breeze, a drastic drop in temps, high winds and torrential downpours and of Don Pedro doing it's best to slow down to cross the bar into Mooloolooba-we were going 7 knots with just that sliver of sail up and the engine in reverse. We were early and the tide was too low to cross the bar at the very narrow entrance to harbor. As it was, we had no more than 12 in. under the keel and had to keep an eye on surf type breakers that swept across us at the last minute. Straight to the bar after that one!!!
That's about it for now.
We are thinking of all of you and wish you all a very wonderful Christmas, a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2010. Take time for yourself, your dreams and hopes and spend time with the ones you love.
Life....doesn't it go by in a blink! Love, John and Linda