OK OK OK I'm sorry. Tied up to a dock for over a month made me(us) lazy. EXCUUUUUSE ME
We are now in Manzanillo anchored in front of Las Hadas Resort-where are you Bo Derek? The movie 10 was filmed here. How can we forget that scene of her running(in slomo) down the beach? Enough. While in PV, we had visitors, Linda's sis, Judy, her husband, David, Linda's son, Adam, his friend, Cam, Cam's mother, Ellen, a friend of Ellen's, Shelley and my daughter, Erin. So we were busy spending time, visiting, getting caught up and seeing a bit of the countryside.
During our 30+ days in PV, Linda and I got away to our little corner of Heaven, Punta Raza for 2 days of Maria's extrodinery cooking(her secret ingredient is love) and her husband, Juan's magical Margaritas. This little heaven has no electricity, a 2 mile beach where you are usually the only person on it, and the most extraordinery hospitality you CAN'T imagine. I could go on forever about this little jewel of a place. We also ran off into the mountains to visit the small town of Tequila where us Gringos were outnumbered 15,000 to 8. 1 day we were the only gringos in town. We ran into 6 others during a tour of the Jose Cuervo distillery the next day. We loved it. Even the museum literature was all in Spanish.
Another little slice of heaven was Yelapa, a little village on the water south of PV and accessible only by boat. We took, Adam, Cam, Ellen, Shelley and Erin there on Don Pedro for an overnighter. Ellen and Shelly found a lovely little hotel on the beach for about $70 and the rest of us spent the night on board. We had meals at tables sunk in the sand on the beach-no shirt, no shoes NO PROBLEMA. The food and the Margaritas were great!! 1 photo on this posting is Cam and me swimming out to Don Pedro with home made pies they sell on the beach-YUMMY. Magic in the Mouth!!
Well, this posting has taken over 2 hrs. and I have got to go. The connection keeps going off so time is spent logging back in etc. It's over 7 months since we departed Victoria and we can't beleive how the time has flown, even with a Leap Year Day in there!! Linda returns home in a week and Rob a day later. It wont be the same without them but there will be new times ahead. The anticipation of the crossing is looming large and I wouldn't be honest if I didn't admit to some fears about the unknown. Hopefully the weather won't be too bad and we'll have an adventurous yet safe crossing. It will probably take 23-25 days if the trade winds turn out to be as expected. I will be able to send updates to Theresa and she will send them on to you but I won't be updating the Blog for some time. Pat returns tomorrow from almost a month of chartering on Odyssius, a 98' sloop and Helene, a French woman (arriving here today) has agreed to assist us in the voyage so it will be just the 3 of us out there on the "wild blue". We plan to depart from Zihuatanejo (200 miles south) on the 20th (+or- a day). Think about us once in a while.
Until then, friends. Love from Me, Linda, Rob and Pat(in absentia)